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Product details
File Size: 3322 KB
Print Length: 229 pages
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 1 edition (October 1, 2003)
Publication Date: October 1, 2003
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,003,669 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
JSTL provides a set of common tag libraries for JSP programmers. This book explains the JSTL and it does it extremely well. In about 200 pages, the book covers what the JSTL is, what to use it for, how to use it, and gives plenty of examples.The start of the book covers the basics of tag libraries and explains why we need JSTL. Next, the basics of JSTL and the expression language are covered. The one small flaw in the book is that the expression language could have been covered in a bit more detail. The rest of the book covers each of the tags (actions) broken up into the separate libraries. The core, XML, internationalization and formatting, and SQL actions are each given their own chapters. The author doesn't just cover the tags but also provides enough background information to insure that you can understand how the tags are used. For example, in the XML chapter, the author starts by explaining the different technologies around XML and then shows how the XML actions can be used to simplify the task of using XML in your JSPs. The SQL chapter explains why you would never want to use the SQL actions before she discusses the actions themselves. The book ends with a "quick reference" section.Sue Spielman has a very easy writing style that makes reading her books a pleasure. Her book is short and complete, a very difficult combination to pull off.
This might be one of the most effective IT book I have ever read. It's short but comprehensive. All four libraries are covered and covered quite well.The first few chapters provide an introduction to JSTL, including the reasons and a few brief examples. The chapter on the EL seemed to be the weakest chapter, but it was detailed enough to get a solid start with using it.Each library has a pretty good sized chapter with coverage of all of the tags and their most common attributes. The code samples covered what you are most likely to do with the tags, although I would have like to see some uncommon uses as well. The chapter on the SQL tags, the most controversial library, included her opinions on why you would use them.Overall, this book provides a quick source of information for learning JSTL. It will also make a great reference to have when you are writing your JSP pages.
The book was exactly as described. Is in great condition and saved me a bunch of money instead of buying it through my campus bookstore. Delivery was fast. Will order from them again.