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The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life
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About the Author
Robert O. Becker, M.D., lived in upstate New York. Gary Selden is a writer who specializes in scientific topics.
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Product details
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks; 1 edition (July 22, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0688069711
ISBN-13: 978-0688069711
Product Dimensions:
6.4 x 0.9 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
216 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#7,618 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I bought this book after extensive research in occult teachings, namely Jewish mysticism. Western and Eastern Esoterisicm for centuries has taught, both subtly and obviously, that our bodies, our planet, our solar system, and our universe are essentially circuits. Although The Body Electric is a scientific journey, the writer ends up reaching the same conclusions the ancients understood long-long ago. We still have a long ways to go to recapture that ancient knowledge. (Afterall, the writer eventually starts studying acupuncture, which just further supports my point.)I love this book because it speaks our modern-day language and brings ancient, esoteric conceptions down to a level most people can at least attempt to grasp. Otherwise, you would have to spend a lot of time, research, and soul searching to come to similar conclusions about our physical and spiritual composition.Here are the areas of the book that stood out for me:1) The writer found that you can put an animal to sleep by running a current through its head. There's no need for anesthesia. You just flip off the current to wake the animal up. The animal literally feels no pain during the time the current is being used, and there are few to no side-effects once the animal wakes up.2) The military industrial complex has been gobbling up fringe research like what is found in The Body Electric for completely different purposes. Imagine putting to sleep an entire legion with a giant ray gun? It sounds like science fiction now ...3) Peer review is flawed and riddled with sleazy people who steal ideas and find ways to back stab. This really isn't new information if you work in the "publish or perish" workforce, but it's refreshing to see another brave soul blow the horn on this bureaucratic creature from the black lagoon that repeatedly gets love letters from universities across the globe. In today's world with GMOs even insects won't eat, rapid rates of cancer (namely brain cancer from cellphones), so-called "genetic pandemics" of autism, and rising cases of infant mortality in our "advanced" society, you have to be a complete idiot not to see that our technology is killing us. The Body Electric spells it out for you.4) Kirlian photography was debunked. The aura you're seeing around plants, hands, people ... is created by the machine itself. What I love, though, about the book is that it doesn't take that fact as an opportunity to condemn auras and say they are all folklore and mythology. The author makes a very open-minded observation that auras are still very real and he produces other research and investigations to show just how that's possible.5) What happened to the author of the book is still going on today. Yes, the book was originally published in the 1980s, but researchers are being blacklisted far more today. If you stand outside the status quo in your thinking, you are thrown out, your research is stolen, and somebody privately uses the results to produce things for self-serving industries. The world was a scary place; it's even scarier now. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and people centuries from now are going to look back at 21st century societies and wonder how we could ever be so-so-so stupid.Science without philosophy is a dangerous thing. That statement sums up the spirit of The Body Electric quite well.
I first read this as a library book after seeing it cited in many a bibliography, and quickly realized that I must own a copy for my own collection. The Body Electric is considered a classic in the field of bio-field research, and for good reason: Becker was one of the first to realize that our bodies are semiconductors of electricity. He was ridiculed at the time, but now the world of medical science takes this fact as a given. As Director Orthopedic Surgery at the VA hospital in Syracuse, he successfully used electrified silver ions to regenerate bone growth in otherwise hopeless medical case. Did you know that young children can regrow severed fingertips? Or that DC currents can be used to anesthetize patients as well as chemical gasses? I sure didn't. Most fascinating of all to me is Becker's theory that humans evolved from crystalline mineral structures in the sea, rather than from plant-like algae. His postulation that magnetic crystals would probably be found to exist in the human brain has since proven to be true and embraced as fact. Becker was a true pioneer.
Clear and readable for the average undergrad student or self-educated person. Written in common english, not technical jargon. Although space prohibits including the protocols and details of the studies cited in the book, or of the hearings when Becker's knowledge was an expert source, this could be backtracked and accessed in any college's reference system.One disturbing thing is the use of animal experiments in some studies, and a few sketches of the procedures done, and the results. It's not excessively graphic, but is enough to disturb sensitive people. Bear in mind this is knowledge gained in the 80s and before. However, the data gained has not been widely taken up by subsequent scientists, and is in some cases, stonewalled by special interests and internal politics.I recommend it for the non-mainstream thinking, the promising ideas he puts forth, and his insights. Good food for inquiring minds, and future researchers - though it sounds like you may need to do your work in a different country than America, sadly. If limb regrowth and cure of infected bones can be accomplished - just two ideas investigated in a preliminary way - medicine would be much improved. For example, silver as an anti-infective agent, and a micro electromagnetic charge helped two human cases he talked about.His other work is also intriguing - and sad, in that personal/special interests have prevented application or pursuit of what Becker was working on. We've been robbed of much potential.
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